Processing Ingredients

Before being put into production, all processed materials must go through a rigorous quality control process.

Raw materials can only be used when fully meeting the standards on microorganisms, pesticide residues and inspecting the product's appearance when observed with the naked eye.

Factory Efforts in Ensuring Food Safety

Food safety system certification FSSC 22000

DaLat Asuzac Foods obtained the FSSC 22000 Food Safety System certification on March 23, 2021.

FSSC 22000 (Food Safety System Certification 22000) is a food safety management system that includes the international standards ISO 22000, ISO /TS22002-1 and the additional requirements of FSSC 22000.

FSSC 22000 certification is recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI). Ensure control of food hygiene and safety in the entire food supply chain such as farms, packaging, packaging materials, preservation, distribution, food manufacturers, distributors.

Checking the production process

During the production process, Asuzac Foods always manages and controls food hygiene and safety in each employee, manages shipments and manages production time.

In addition to the production staff regularly checking directly in the production line, products before packaging will be checked for factors such as microorganisms, foreign bodies, moisture, etc. to ensure that the products are delivered to Customers' hands always meet food hygiene and safety standards.

Check the product

Depending on the characteristics of each product, Asuzac Foods will conduct inspection according to its own quality criteria.

Asuzac Food's Food Safety Policy

1.    We strive to produce safe and delicious food

2.    Implement and maintain a food safety management system, make improvements according to AKOMIK and 5S.

3.    Compliance with the laws on food safety and hygiene of Vietnam, Japan, exporting countries and customer requirements.

4.    Improve professional knowledge and skills on food hygiene and safety for all employees.

5.    Implement good relations with customers and related partners.